Donate Online

Safely and securely give via debit/credit card, or by an electronic funds transfer directly from your bank. Visit our Donate Page.


Transfer funds from your PayPal account to Hope Now by clicking the link.

Donate By Mail

Mail your gift to:
Hope Now
P.O. Box 5294
Fresno, CA 93755


Hope Now has an account with Ameriprise Financial for the sole purpose of receiving gifts of publicly traded securities. Upon receiving the securities, we immediately liquidate all shares and transfer the funds to the Hope Now general fund. There may be significant tax benefits from gifts of this kind.

Please provide the following information to your financial advisor or investment firm when making arrangements for the transfer:
1) Name of security and desired number of shares to transfer,
2) Destination account number: 67844735,
3) DTC clearing number: 0756, and
4) Destination company: American Enterprise Investment Services.

Grocery Shopping

Do you shop at Save Mart, Lucky, or FoodMaxx supermarkets? Up to 3% of your qualified purchases can be donated to Hope Now. Simply register at and provide your phone number as you make your purchases.

Amazon Smile

Do you shop online at Amazon? If so, you can switch to Amazon Smile for free. Amazon Smile offers all of the same items, but a percentage of everything you buy gets donated to your favorite charity! Simply search for “Hope Now For Youth” in Amazon’s charity directory.

Estate Gift

Leave a legacy by including Hope Now in your Estate Plan. There are a variety of methods available for leaving an estate gift including: Wills, Trusts, beneficiary designations, and life insurance. Consult your Estate Planning Attorney for advice on what method would be most appropriate for you. It’s easier than you might think.

Non-Monetary Donations

Hope Now has a need for various non-monetary donations. We are currently accepting donations of:

  • Running Vehicle (click to learn more)
  • Sometimes we have youth who are in need of: medical, dental, vision, tattoo removal, or legal assistance… If you are a professional in any of these fields, a donation of your time is a major investment in a young man’s turnaround.
  • We also accept miscellaneous items: men’s clothes for interviews, home goods & furniture, bicycles… These are on an as needed basis. Please Contact Us to determine if your donation can be used.

Donate by Text

Text your gift amount to: (559) 464-6031